This technique rids you of negative past decisions or imprint experiences. It is useful anytime you want to change limiting attitudes or create new, empowering ones.
1. Think of a powerful, positive, formative memory that affects your behavior (an Imprint Experience). Notice the submodalities: Is it in color or black and white? Is it panoramic? How large, bright, and close is it? etc. If you're not sure, contrast it with an ordinary memory's submodalities. Next, set it aside.
2. What experience or decision in your past is a limiting Negative Imprint for you?
3. What experience could have happened before the Negative Imprint that would have transformed it? Pick something that would have prepared you, so that you would have been fine in that Negative Imprint experience. Imagine this experience in full detail. Then make it a Positive Imprint by putting it in those submodalities you discovered in Step 1.
4. Step into this new Positive Imprint. With this Positive Imprint, float up over your past timeline, until before the Negative Imprint happened. Drop down onto your timeline, and experience the Positive Imprint here, on your timeline. Now rapidly come forward through your subsequent experiences. Notice how these experiences are shifted and reevaluated in light of the new Positive Imprint. Stop when you reach the present and see yourself moving on into the future, noticing how it will be different now.
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