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This technique helps you create well-defined, compelling and attainable goals, and provides a pathway to their natural realization.
Meeting the Conditions for Goal Realization
1. What do you want? State your reply in positive terms. What can you do to make this goal happen?
2. How will you know when you've achieved it? What will you see, hear and feel at that time?
3. When, where and with whom do you want it?
4. What effects will this goal have or create?
Making Your Goals Compelling
5. Now that you know what you're seeking, imagine seeing yourself in a compelling, goal-oriented movie. Make it big, in color, three dimensional, with stereo sound, and have it feature voices that are encouraging.
Creating a Pathway to Your Goals
6. Once you see that compelling goal in your movie, transport yourself (out of your seat and) into the movie, so you are floating overhead and witnessing yourself completing the goal. Do you want to become the person you see? Make any adjustments to your movie so that you will.
7. Now, become this person. Step into this person. Enjoy it. And look back from this future you to where you once were. Observe the natural pathway that took you from where you were to the future you.
8. Step out of the future you and walk back to where you once were, noting how you accomplish this.
9. Step back into the present you, remembering the pathway to your future.
10. Now, schedule your pathway to your future in your date book. What's the first thing you will do on that pathway? Do it.
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